Why is it that it is so much easier to show employees dissatisfaction than to let them know what a great job they’ve done? Happy employees are always willing to put in that extra effort to turn a good job into a great job when they feel that the effort will be appreciated. But, is just saying, “Thank you," enough?
Great Rewards Don’t Cost Much
A company can let employees know that they are appreciated in numerous ways that won’t break the bank. Even though certificates of appreciation in a personnel file are a nice gesture, sometimes a company can offer a more tangible symbol of appreciation that will really improve employee morale. This is a win-win situation.
When employees are satisfied with working conditions, they want to do their best. But, in these tough economic times, the usual rewards of a raise in pay or other monetary gestures may prove a difficult fit for a small business.
So, what else can a company do to let employees know how much their efforts really count? Here are some ideas:
· Put out a monthly or weekly company newsletter and feature a story about one of your employees.
· Have a casual dress day, especially during the hotter summer months.
· Recognize employee birthdays with a cake and coffee. Make that coffee break a little bit longer to celebrate.
· Have a pot luck lunch and let employees bring a dish to share.
· Ask for cost-saving ideas from employees and reward the best ones with a bonus.
· Celebrate the completion of a project with a half day of work and a picnic lunch.
Trading services is also time-honored way of giving and getting extras for your company. See if your company can make a trade in services with a local restaurant and have a special Employee Appreciation dinner. The options here are limited only by the ability of a company to make its services available in exchange for goods or services from another company.
If You’ve Got It, Share It
If your company has a bigger budget, employees can always be rewarded with bonuses or salary raises, but there are other ways to let them know you appreciate their work. Try these:
· Offer flex-time to employees who have young children or who are caring for an elderly or ill relative.
· Put in a workout room so employees can keep fit or offer other health and wellness services like on-site chair massage.
· If you have a conference room that isn’t used much, open it to employees for birthday parties or family reunions.
· Sponsor a company sports team or bowling league.
Showing your employees a little appreciation makes coming in to work each day a little nicer, and the rewards that are returned in improved performance are always worth it. What have you found works well with your employees? Share your response below.
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