In the month of August, we offered a series of blogs explaining some of the more ‘need to know’ features of the Affordable Health Care Act.
This month, we are going to continue on by further explaining certain topics and shedding some light on some of the newer topics concerning the bill. So, without further ado Linton and Associates proudly presents to you the Affordable Health Care Act unveiled.
This month, we are going to continue on by further explaining certain topics and shedding some light on some of the newer topics concerning the bill. So, without further ado Linton and Associates proudly presents to you the Affordable Health Care Act unveiled.
There have been naysayers and supporters from its conception -- some complaining that the Government has their noses in places it doesn’t belong. Others feel that it is for the common good that healthcare is made available to everyone and not just those with a good career or masses of money.
One thing though that those against and those in support can agree on is that having our children on our healthcare plans until they turn 26 is good for everyone.
Our Youth are Our Future
It’s been said so many times that it is almost cliché, but it is true. Their beliefs and what they support or do not support is this country’s inevitable future. And, with the Affordable Health Care Act allowing children to stay on their parent’s insurance until the age of 26.
The country as a whole is supporting them in a great way. Many of our children are still in college (hopefully finishing) at 26 and would not have the money for healthcare or a job that offers it. So, when our insurance used to stop covering them prior to this new requirement, it was challenging for this age group to get proper health care.
However, with this mandate in the bill, it will allow our children, our future; to be better prepared to fight the good fight.
However, with this mandate in the bill, it will allow our children, our future; to be better prepared to fight the good fight.
Whether you supported the bill or found it to be an invasion of privacy, one thing is for sure. If you have kids, you are going to see the benefits of the bill. Many people have kids, and it is great that they can stay healthy longer.
With the bill in play, they will have a better chance at finding a career where their employer includes medical coverage in their benefits package. This is because the new tax credits offer discounts to employers that provide medical insurance.
As such, it is expected that there will be a spike in the number of companies that have medical benefits so that graduates can migrate from their parent’s health insurance to the one provided by their employer.
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