Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tips on Developing a Company Wellness Plan

Obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes -- these are all unfortunate problems that have continued to arise in the modern world. It’s human nature to want things now, and that's why eating out at a fast food establishment during the lunch hour is the most common choice. After all, who wants to spend time after a hard day's work, making a healthy lunch for the next day?

Now, it's not the employer's responsibility to make sure that their employees are eating healthily, but it is in their best interest. Employees that exercise daily and eat a relatively balanced diet tend to not get sick as much and have more energy during the day. When your employees aren't sick that means they are doing their jobs and their parts to make the company money.

Incentives Matter
Sure, you are dealing with grown adults and they should care about their own well being, right? Who says they don't, but in this economy, their job comes first. So, why not help them along the right path a little bit?

It is a way to get them started on the right path and show them you care about their health and wellness. There are many inexpensive ways to encourage your employees to follow a regular exercise plan and to eat healthier without buying everyone annual gym memberships for Christmas next year, and you can even have fun with it.

No More Junk
This means clearing out all unhealthy foods and drink that are so often within reach in an office. Take the soda in the vending machines and replace it with water, juices, and, at the very least, some of those fancy electrolyte drinks. Then, it is time to toss the candy, bags of Doritos, and other high-fat, high sodium snacks. Don’t even think about leaving donuts in the break room. Put out some healthy snacks that employees can grab. It will help power them up in the afternoon instead of being hit with the carb let-down in the afternoon that finds employees trying to stay awake.

Have fun!
Get the fun going with some good old healthy office competitions! Host a monthly company sports game; you can even alternate the sports. One month could be football while the next could be hockey! Have a sign-up and offer prizes to encourage employees to get involved and active. The prizes don't need to be expensive. Gift cards to the movies work great, and they are easy on the wallet.

Host a Picnic!
It's been proven that just basking in the sun helps people with their health so have an annual company picnic to celebrate the coming of summer and encourage employees to bring healthy homemade dishes, host a 'best dish' competition, and have an award for most improved on their health regimen!  

Get Started Now!
Start with small things but get started on the healthy track as soon as possible. By implementing your company's wellness plan today, soon you will see that your employees have more energy, reduce their sick days, and are alert and active on the job.  

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