Monday, February 27, 2012

Your Best Advocate: The Advantages of Using an Insurance Broker

When it comes time to investigate and compare insurance policies, your best resource for comprehensive information is a skilled insurance broker. An insurance broker will serve as your primary advocate and work closely with you to assess your individual insurance needs and your employees insurance needs to ensure you receive the highest standards of care for the most competitive price.

Saving Money at Every Turn
An insurance broker is committed to understanding and researching the most competitive insurance packages and rates. They work diligently for their clients to gather information and assess the terms and conditions of each policy.

In addition, insurance brokers sell insurance products from multiple insurance carriers allowing you the flexibility to evaluate different personal or employee insurance benefits.  Independent insurance brokers can offer you different insurance carriers geared to your specific needs and budgets.

Your Dedicated Middle Man
Another advantage to engaging an insurance broker is the ability to have them serve as your primary interface with the insurance company. They will broker the deal and handle enrollment and any paperwork that needs to be submitted for you and your employees. Also, if you find yourself dissatisfied with your present insurance carrier, your insurance broker will serve as a liaison with your new carrier. 

Insider Trading and Resources
Having a dedicated insurance broker ensures you and your HR department will receive up-to-the-minute information and updates on pertinent changes that effect insurance benefits and rates. In addition, insurance brokers have a first name relationship with representatives from multiple insurance companies to address concerns and budding problems before they become a major issue. 

Your Best Interest
Utilizing an insurance broker works to your best advantage by having an unbiased opinion and a dedicated professional to oversee your needs to ensure you receive the best possible deal. The majority of insurance carriers pay the same rate of commission to brokers, so your insurance broker receives no added benefit to direct you to purchase insurance from a certain carrier. They work strictly on providing you with the best information on rates and benefits.

Put Our Team to Work for You and Your Company 
Be one of our many satisfied customers and contact us today to see how we can assist you and your employees with all of your insurance needs. We offer customized employee benefit packages as well as individual, family, and employee health insurance polices.

We also broker in dental plans, long term care, long and short term disability policies, retirement and cafeteria plans, and vision services. Our highly-skilled staff is trained to provide you with outstanding levels of customer service. Call us at 505.247.1530 and allow one of our associates’ the opportunity to put together a comprehensive benefit package which is well-suited to you and your company.   

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Does Your Business Have the Correct Amount of Insurance Coverage?

Have you ever said to yourself, “What is the correct amount of insurance coverage for my business?” This is a question each business should address. Having the proper amount of insurance coverage is vital. Being over-covered on insurance can cost you as much money over the long run as being under covered in insurance will cost you money in the short term.

Be a savvy consumer and business owner and take the time to learn about what you should cover and what should not.

Be Your Own Best Advocate for Insurance  
It pays in more ways than one to be your own advocate. Purchasing the proper amount of insurance coverage will save you money. It can provide you with additional benefits through savings on unnecessary coverage.

Take a Long Hard Look
  • Carefully review your health insurance coverage to see if you are paying for coverage you do not need. Maternity coverage can drive premiums up so if this coverage is not necessary, chose a policy that does not cover maternity.
  • Reevaluate your co-pay and yearly deductable limits. By increasing your co-pay or yearly deductable limit, you can dramatically decrease the cost of your monthly premium.
  • Customize your health care package. Health care packages are available that can be customized to your business and employee needs. Investigate this option to eliminate any other unnecessary features that cause you to be over insured.
  • As a business owner, it is smart to carry to life insurance to cover transitional costs and reorganizational fees that would occur upon your death. That being said, it is a smart idea to speak to your insurance agent and carefully calculate your business’ financial needs upon your death. Carrying too much life insurance costs you money and is an unneeded expense.
  • Disability and long-term insurance coverage are two areas you should consider for review. Speak with your CPA and financial planner to see what coverage is necessary should you become disabled or need long-term care.
We are Here to Help   
No one knows insurance like Linton & Associates. We are skilled at providing you with expert advice on all your insurance related questions and needs. We would be happy to discuss your coverage and see if you are overpaying for insurance-related products.

There When You Need Us      
It is difficult to stay abreast of changes within the insurance field and it is more important than ever to be an informed consumer. At Linton & Associates, our knowledge team is ready to assist you with all of your insurance needs. Give us a call at 505.247.1530 or leave a comment here and one of our team members will be happy to assist you with any questions.   

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Group vs. Individual Insurance

Before you make any changes into your existing health care coverage, it is vital you understand each plan and how it affects you. Every plan is unique and offers different benefits as well as drawbacks that must be weighed in terms of your business situation, budget, and needs. 

Take the time to study the differences and similarities between group and individual insurance policies so you can make an informed decision.

Group Insurance
Typically, group insurance is purchased through a company for its employees. It can be purchased by the company on the open market or it can be a self-insured plan. Group insurance rates are historically lower than individual policies and each employee is offered a menu of covered benefits. Except in a few circumstances, small employers cannot be turned down for medical coverage. A small employer is defined as having at least 2 employees and not more than 50 employees.

With large group health plans covering 51 or more eligible employees, health insurance companies can turn down medical coverage. Also, insurers can require a minimum number of participants to continue coverage and can cancel insurance due to nonpayment of premiums and instances of fraud.

Self-employed persons with no other employees do not qualify to purchase group health plans. However, if you are purchasing coverage for yourself and an additional family member, you qualify for a group health plan under the New Mexico Health Insurance Alliance. Another feature of group insurance is the way they treat pre-existing health conditions.

A group health plan cannot exclude pregnancy, newborn babies, or newly adopted children from coverage. There is also a limitation to so-called ‘look back’ provisions. This is where an insurer can look back and see if you received care, a diagnosis, or medical advice for a medical condition. Under a group health plan, your look back period is limited to the first six months from the time you joined the plan during their regular enrollment period.

Individual Insurance
Individual health insurance is purchased by a person for themselves or their entire immediate family members. An added bonus of individual insurance plans is the flexibility to customize your policy to your lifestyle. You can exclude maternity benefits from your policy to reduce your premiums and adjust co-pays and yearly deductibles to work within your budget.  Receiving health rates quotes for individual plans is easy. Simply complete the required information and possible terms of coverage to receive a comprehensive rate quote.

What Works Best for You and Your Family
There is no easy answer to the question of which plan is superior. Each plan has its pros and cons and only you know your unique situation. This is where Linton & Associates comes in. Our staff is on-hand to discuss your insurance needs, and our team of highly-trained professionals can assist you in determining the best plan for your lifestyle. 

Leave your question here or contact us to schedule an appointment to discuss your insurance options for your individual or business needs.   

Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to Build a Better Relationship with Your Primary Care Physician

One of your most important relationships is with your doctor. Your health depends on establishing an effective base of communication and developing mutual trust and respect. Being prepared and ready for your next appointment will go along way on the road to establishing a better relationship with your primary care physician:

  • Before your next appointment, write down each question you have for the doctor.
  • Be prepared to disclose all of the medication and herbal supplements you take.  
  • Be an active participant in your healthcare and give your doctor full disclosure on any symptoms you may be having, however embarrassing they may be to you.
  • Do not ask your doctor an important question as you are heading out the door.
  • Do not keep secrets. Your physician needs to know about any activities that can affect your health.  
Tips for Better Communication
In an online article, the University of Ohio Medical Center described four tips for building a deeper and lasting bond with your primary care physician:
  • Ask for Extra Time: Do not be shy if you feel you need extra time for your appointment. Call the office staff beforehand and request additional time. This will prepare the doctor for your visit.
  • Understand the Instructions: If you are unsure about any procedures, treatments, or medication schedule, immediately ask the doctor or nurse for clarification. Request that they put the instructions down in writing for future references.
  • Do Not Be Bashful: Now is not the time to hide any symptoms and issues you are having out of modesty. It is your physician’s job to protect your privacy and without full disclosure, you cannot receive proper treatment.
  • Bring the Drugstore With You: Bring a comprehensive listing of any and all prescribed medications, over-the-counter medications, and herbal supplements you are using. All of these can interact with a new prescription and adversely affect your health. 
Speak Up and Be Heard
Other tips for effective communication have to deal with full disclosure on your part. Do not hide the fact that you smoke cigarettes even if it is one cigarette a day. The same is true for alcoholic beverages. Your physician needs to know if you drink once a year or have five drinks daily. These facts impact your health and will influence your doctor’s course of treatment.

Our Commitment to You
Here at Linton & Associates we are committed to assisting our clients make the most of their health care experience. If you require any additional services, please do not hesitate to leave a message or call us at 505.247.1530.