Sunday, February 5, 2012

How to Build a Better Relationship with Your Primary Care Physician

One of your most important relationships is with your doctor. Your health depends on establishing an effective base of communication and developing mutual trust and respect. Being prepared and ready for your next appointment will go along way on the road to establishing a better relationship with your primary care physician:

  • Before your next appointment, write down each question you have for the doctor.
  • Be prepared to disclose all of the medication and herbal supplements you take.  
  • Be an active participant in your healthcare and give your doctor full disclosure on any symptoms you may be having, however embarrassing they may be to you.
  • Do not ask your doctor an important question as you are heading out the door.
  • Do not keep secrets. Your physician needs to know about any activities that can affect your health.  
Tips for Better Communication
In an online article, the University of Ohio Medical Center described four tips for building a deeper and lasting bond with your primary care physician:
  • Ask for Extra Time: Do not be shy if you feel you need extra time for your appointment. Call the office staff beforehand and request additional time. This will prepare the doctor for your visit.
  • Understand the Instructions: If you are unsure about any procedures, treatments, or medication schedule, immediately ask the doctor or nurse for clarification. Request that they put the instructions down in writing for future references.
  • Do Not Be Bashful: Now is not the time to hide any symptoms and issues you are having out of modesty. It is your physician’s job to protect your privacy and without full disclosure, you cannot receive proper treatment.
  • Bring the Drugstore With You: Bring a comprehensive listing of any and all prescribed medications, over-the-counter medications, and herbal supplements you are using. All of these can interact with a new prescription and adversely affect your health. 
Speak Up and Be Heard
Other tips for effective communication have to deal with full disclosure on your part. Do not hide the fact that you smoke cigarettes even if it is one cigarette a day. The same is true for alcoholic beverages. Your physician needs to know if you drink once a year or have five drinks daily. These facts impact your health and will influence your doctor’s course of treatment.

Our Commitment to You
Here at Linton & Associates we are committed to assisting our clients make the most of their health care experience. If you require any additional services, please do not hesitate to leave a message or call us at 505.247.1530.    

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